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Thursday 24 September 2015

Thankful Thursday-September 24th!

The other evening was hairdo night! It feels so good when they comb my hair!  I love every minute of it!

And it was all so worth it! Look at my new "do"!!

God is so good and his blessings are so great!

I have been really focusing at giving my heart to God and not trying to control it myself. Lately a few things have weighed heavily on my mind. I have not let go of them but instead harbored unnecessary feelings. I need to cleanse myself and focus on God.  In some of the tough challenging situation I need to ask myself what would Jesus do? How would God want me to act and react?

I am very thankful for Gods presence. I am thankful he takes the burdens and allows me to move on.

I am so thankful that 24 years ago I had a precious little baby girl and we named her Kathryn Lee (Katie). She has been such a blessing and joy to all of us!

I am thankful that she has moved back to our hometown! I love having her here!

I am thankful that all the children are now content with where they are at whether it be school, new home, new temporary job. in their sports, etc.

I am thankful that families like Lynsay and Bill are serving the Lord and watching over these precious children. They give so much of themselves.  I am in awe of them and their hard work.

I am thankful for the wonderful families that are currently in China with their new children! I love following their journeys!!

I am thankful for how hard my hubby works and what a generous spirit he has!

I am thankful that hubby shares my passion and love for the orphans. 

I am thankful that he shares my dream to help the orphans. A dream that we hope to share with others in the future! I am thankful that God is guiding us and that because of our Lord a dream may become a reality!

I am thankful for our daughters in China and I deeply pray for our PA...