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Monday 14 September 2015

Yay Cabins!!

All my life I have wanted a swimming pool!
 I am not sure why- I mean I love being outside, soaking up the sun and being active BUT my blonde locks could easily be turned green and... I never really get "in" the pool... so why have I always wanted one?? Only God knows!

I was pretty sure this year WE NEEDED ONE!?!
Summers in Minnesota are all about swimming and how on earth was Sam going to be able to go swimming? I envisioned us being kicked out of every pool because "leaks". (Sam has IA)

But that is not what happened... at all!

We became accomplished at colostomies and swimming AND the pool we just happened to go to over the summer was...

not at all crowded! I am please to announce they never had to empty the pool because of us!! (because of leaks)
Often we were one of a few families at the pool!!

People in MN tend to go to their cabin over the weekends!
We are ALL FOR IT!!
Because they basically left the city to us!

And the pool! And we loved every minute of it!

We had our own private lifeguard!

And any chair to pick from!

And diving boards and slides!

And IF we didn't like the other chairs we could pick from this row!

These wonderful people made us lunch!
We had a great summer! And we love that everyone else loves their cabins! Please continue to go to them!

I was so concerned AND look how GOD provided!
It was better than I could have ever dreamed of!

There was no reason to worry!

Thank You Jesus!
We had a blast!
(and so did the other one million people that were left in the cities)
Again, from those of us left at home-
 Yay Cabins!