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Monday 28 September 2015

More Nights in the Hospital

Anna's surgery was a bit more involved than I thought it would be.
She is doing fine but she still is unable to drink any fluids.

There is still a lot of bloody drainage. 

We tried to get her to drink apple juice, water and spr*te.

They are allowing her to take it slowly so she does not throw up(because of the blood that drained into her stomach). 

So one night has turned into two nights and will probably turn into 3-4 nights.
She liked having her big brother and sister there but she was unable to do much of anything.

We tried a walk, a wagon ride, a puzzle, a barbie doll, a bath and watched a movie together cuddled in her bed.

She is so precious to us. It's hard to see her down and out.

Everyone misses her at home.

Praying for big changes tomorrow!
(Meaning desiring to drink fluids, actually swallowing them and NOT throwing up! And decreased bloody drainage!)

Thank you for praying for our little treasure!