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Saturday 12 September 2015

Sick or Not? UPDATED!

UPDATE: Emma has strep. She is thrilled to be getting medicine for it, it makes her feel special and loved!

Sometimes it is very hard to tell if our children are sick.
I think they have spent so much time not feeling very good.
In an orphanage where no one really cares and germs are spread like wild fire, or children have learned to keep quite about their aches and pains. 
Why tell anyone? What would they do?

I noticed a rash on Sam but figured it was due to heat or detergent or some unknown source.

It kept getting worse and was on his abdomen and back. I continuously asked and pointed  "does you throat hurt, does your neck hurt?"
Each time the answer was NO!
We brought him in anyways... after a couple weeks and low and behold he had strep!
No symptoms... just the rash...

Katie (big sis/ school teacher) called in the late afternoon. She is feeling awful- swollen glands, sore throat and a fever- I am guessing she has it too...

Sooo... about a week ago I called the Dr.
Emma has had 2 incidents of a rash on her back and stomach. 
Didn't think anything of it at the time- other than to remind her not to itch.
She so seldom speaks- it comes in waves- talkative and then nothing?

Tonight I started taking temps- even of those that had no complaints and Emma's is at 102!
I never would have known- she never complains.
I wonder how often she was sick in China and just carried on with life. (I also wonder how long she has had it?)

Tomorrow we go to the Dr. for Emma and a recheck of Sam (his rash is still there although a little better)!
I wonder IF strep tests are cheaper by the half dozen?

I am surprised that these dear younger children are unable to communicate when they are ill.
I will be more vigilant from now on!

So tomorrow before school, it's off to the Dr we go!

BTW- they are all cuddling and watching Mary Poppins!
For the last couple weeks- Little Orphan Annie was the movie of choice but now it is Mary Poppins!
I am just thrilled that they can watch it and learn the songs!
