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Sunday 27 September 2015

Welcome to our Life!

Tonight was homecoming for Johnny! We took him to the picture place and snapped away like all the other parents. He chose not to ask a date, which we are fine with, it is more fun at his age to go with a group! They ate dinner at the local country club and then went to the dance. Our Dad (Jim) will be the ride home for about 6 of the kids. Hopefully they all had fun!

After the picture taking Jim and I were invited out on our friends boat. It is the last boat outing of the season because the cooler weather is moving into MN. We waited on the dock for our friends to show up and within 15 minutes there they were! My dear hubby hopped on the back of the boat first and held out his hand to help me. He is so sweet and I know he was concerned about me getting on- he stepped back to make room for me but he was already at the end of the boat so of course stepping back meant... yep, you guessed it... "in" he went! It seemed to happen in slow motion and it was such a surprise! Blue jeans, jacket, leather shoes, cell phone , everything- sopping wet! Thank goodness this guy has a sense of humor and the guy who owns the boat had extra clothes!! A few of the couples we had never met- we love to make a good first impression! I can't stop laughing about it- they clothes are already in the washing machine and Jim is on his way to pick up the kids from the homecoming dance. Welcome to our life! The good news is God continues to humble us! ( I think we will be invited back next year to the "end if the year" boating excursion- how can we not be- we were the entertainment!) There is a cell phone pic floating around (pun) of my dear hubby all wet- as soon as I get it I will post it! I love you honey!!