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Friday 25 September 2015

Will You Please Pray For My Friend!

I have a friend in China right now getting her wonderful new 7 yr old daughter. As I read her blog I remember back to our time in China. Many of the things she is going through, we went through with Sarah. It is all part of the journey! Although the end result is usually wonderful, the journey can be very difficult and challenging. Because she is in China alone it is even more challenging. It was so helpful for me to have our older daughter Katie there- I could process what was happening with her, we gave each other mini breaks, we could talk and laugh at the situation. It was the support and extra pair of hands and eyes I needed. I do not know what I would have done without Katie being there. 

Please pray for her! Please pray for her daughter Ava Meying! Please visit her blog and send encouraging words!! She so needs to be flooded with prayers and support. She is exhausted and weakened.

Thank you! God Bless You!