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Saturday 19 September 2015

Its time to Party!

As the Germans say "Lets make Party"... so we did... Here are a few photos of a great night!

Me and "The Cake" ...yep, chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, with chocolate stuck on the icing and chocolate pieces baked in the cake!! What more could a girl ask for :)

Boyd, the most amazing, gorgeous husband a girl could ask for! Thank You for a beautiful birthday weekend. Love you forever!

My Mum! Wouldn't be a party without you! Thank you for all your help and company! I love you! xo

...also a huge thanks to Nicole, for all your help on Saturday! Your a legend and I love ya! xo

Thanks everyone for all your well wishes, blessings and love on my birthday! I was totally overwhelmed. And I really appreciate your prayers and thoughts on my special day! xo