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Monday 21 September 2015

Your Wish Has Been Granted! **UPDATED with answers!**

Our Sweet Abby has been granted A Make * Wish Trip!

And she has decided that Disney World is the place she would like to go!

The Ladies from the Make * Wish Foundation came to our house and announced that her wish had been granted!

We all celebrated the announcement and had an ice cream sundae party!

They brought all the "fixins" with them!

I think the children had more sauce and toppings than ice cream!

They filled us in on all the details of our trip!

Abby will have a private meeting with Snow White!
How FUN!

 It is coming up soon and we are so so very excited!
All our big boys will be taking care of the house and dogs!
Thanks Guys!

We started off with 4 balloons.
By the time they left we were down to one!

Thank you for granting Abby's wish!
She is so excited AND we are so excited to go with her!

After the State fair mishap... I am planning ahead a little better!
We all have matching shirts for the trip!
I got an amazing deal on!
** They were $4.24 each and arrived in 48 hours!**

AND we ordered our "got love" tees, too!

I will NOT be losing any children this time!
I'm just hoping others won't be wearing our color of the day OR I could come home with more than I brought! 
(kids that is! ; - )
(Emma was at school when we took the pics)
(Ellie developed hives for unknown reasons. Her eye swelled up and the next day she had large welts and a swollen lip but her eye was fine? She seems better today.)

We also have ID bracelets with Mom and Dad's cell info!

** We ordered them from Road ID online. They were 17.99 each.**

We just need to start packing the suitcases and we're good to go!

Look Out Disney World!
Here we come!