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Sunday 20 September 2015

Let The Truth Be Told- A Confession Session!

It's time to break my silence. I am mourning big time! Changes are coming and I can hardly cope... gulp!

For 41 years I have watched "ALL MY CHILDREN". Yes, I said "41 years"! I know, I know - you didn't think I was that old BUT I am! I'm 42! JK! I'm 43! okay JK again!

I heard last spring the show was cancelled. How can they do that to me... to us... to all of the ALL MY CHILDREN lovers!!

Erica, Kendall, Bianca, Brooke, Babe, Angie, Jesse, Tad, JR, Frankie, Ryan and Zach are household names around here! They are my friends- pretty sad... I know!

I would tivo the show and watch it at night- blissfully I would fall asleep while my soapy friend lives were often in utter turmoil! I knew somehow things would work out!

My Mom and I often watched it together. After she passed I would watch it and feel closer to her. So- I guess it gave me some comfort for awhile ;-)

They were supposed to keep it going until January but for some reason the moved the date up. Now there will be some stupid food show in that time slot. Don't they know I hate to cook!

Next were the rumors that the show was going online. I hope that happens but for now they are in salary negotiations... and it won't air until January! Come on guys do it for us! Everybody meet half way and let your viewers once again enjoy life in Pine Valley!

Things change and GULP, I guess it's time to say goodbye, for now. It makes me sad, as silly as it may be! I wish it weren't ending and I would have continued watching it and never have to fess up how much I love "ALL MY CHILDREN"!

AMC if you come back, I'll be back! Do we have a DEAL!

In the mean time, I think I'll name our next two children Babe and Tad! 

Is there anyone else out there that wants to join in my confession session!