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Tuesday 15 September 2015

More From Our Week With Emily (and her family)!

Oh my goodness, do we love our baby!

Sarah loved holding Emily!
She was such a huge help when Katie was busy or on errands!

Emily even watched a little bit of TV!
But don't tell her Momma!
(Shhhhh- she really likes TV!! Only preschool learning shows of course!)

Andrew joined us mid week!
It is always so wonderful to spend time with him!

Andrew, Katie and Emily came for their friends wedding!
 Cori and David were married on August 29th!
It was such a beautiful wedding and a wonderful evening!

We all went to Johnny's game a couple days later!

A future soccer player!

Thank goodness we found a spoon for our baby girl!

It worked much better then trying to squirt it in her mouth!

More please!

We had lots of eager helpers!

Over the weekend we had a family gathering!

Lucky (Laukii) helped the little kids with their legos!
We quickly rescued her ; - )
and brought her back to the adults!

This little one gets lots of loving from her parents!
(and her Nana and Papa!)

We completely adore this sweet baby!
We could see her make developmental progress just during the week she was at out home!

Once she got home to Colorado she rolled over and sat up in the same week!

The kids love Kelly !
And it is obvious that she adores them, too!

Johnny got a sprained ankle in his soccer game.
Sarah and Mia took good care of him!

The big kids make fun of me because I take soooo many close ups (hey, I don't have time to crop the photos)!

Do you think this photo of us, is close enough?

The big kids ate in the dinning room.
(We missed Matt and Caitlin.)

The "little littles" all ate together!

And the oldies and the "big littles" ate together!
Yes… I was at this table!

Mark and Lucky brought the dessert- Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!

It is such a joy to have the big kids home with the little kids!

Andrew and Sam put together one of Sam's bday gifts.
It was a bit harder/ more complicated than we thought it would be…
Thank you Andrew!

 We had a cookout on the last night.
This never gets old!

Johnny, Katie, Andrew and Emily joined us!

We even opened a celebratory bottle of wine from Emily's Baby shower!

Joey is blossoming and it is soooo great to see!

It is so much fun being outside and relaxing while the children are playing!

And then we have out cookout!
Gourmet hot dogs on a fresh bakery bun
Juicy red grapes right off the vine
Homemade potato salad
and more!
(I'm not lying… it was homemade by someone, just not sure who?)
Okay, okay… I'll stop!

Very thankful for these 4 girls!
They are always so helpful and they are so much fun!

Obviously, the kids in the front row are having fun but my favorite part is Katie in the background loving her sweet baby girl!

And then it was my turn!
I love being a Nana!
And a sleeping baby makes it even more wonderful!