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Monday 14 September 2015

What's for Dinner?

I was not going to post my 'dinners' because sometimes they feel 'too easy' and I get scared that you might also find me silly for not making everything myself, from scratch (as the Mother in Law thinks)... but hey, these days us mums are busy! My Tuesday is my busiest day so dinner usually gets made while Luke has his afternoon nap and it NEEDS to be quick and easy! So here is my Tuesday night dinner!

Beef Tortellini and Salad!

Basically I chop up an onion and fry it, then add any other vegies in my fridge to make a 'stir fry vegie'

While that is on, I boil the Tortellini or Ravioli; which you buy pre packaged in the fridge section of your supermarket, for 5 mins...

Add whatever pasta sauce you have in the cupboard add to the vegies! Mine was ...

Then combined your vegies, pasta sauce and beef tortallini and put into and oven proof dish!
KEEP YOUR JAR!!! I have a craft project coming up during the week that you will need it for!

Then add the best bit...CHEESE!!

Bake it in the oven, with a loaf of garlic bread for half and hour...
Then throw a quick salad together and there is your dinner done!

Your salad doesn't have to be traditional! This salad has strawberries and apple in it!!
Put whatever needs to be used, or if there isn't much in the fridge, I always have a tin of beetroot, or pineapple or corn in the cupboard...even throw in some nuts!! Sometimes it might be sun dried tomato's, gherkins or spring onion's from the jars in your fridge! The key is to be creative and don't be scared to fail!

So there you have my quick, easy and healthy Tuesday night dinner!
Was this one too easy and boring for you?? :)
What did you make for dinner tonight? Whats one of your 'quick and easy' meals!?