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Wednesday 16 September 2015

Fingerprints done and the kids new place!

One of the painters!

Here is another one of the painters!

I love the vintage hardware!

Here is our purchase of the day! We loved the table and it came with 4 chairs!

Today we had our fingerprints taken- yippee, hip hip hurray and alleluia! I am so hoping they will be acceptable- as it turns out my fingerprints are wearing off -  better adopt as much as I can now, before they are all gone!! If they are unacceptable there is a procedure we can do that will work out ( no, not on my fingerprints) I will need to go in and swear that I am actually me ;-) I find that a little funny but I'll d whatever they want! The bad thing about that is it will slow us down a little- I didn't think we could go any slower than we are now so even slower than this should be interesting ... Please pray that they accept the fingerprints!

Since Katie and MAtt have moved in to the duplex I have helped them out a little bit. It has been fun at times and not so fun at times.
We painted the kitchen together- that was fun! They went on and painted the bedrooms.
We bought a sofa together - that was fun!
We transported the sofa to their place, it was completely the wrong color so we immediately returned it. That was not fun because it was Kate and I carrying that thing in and out- and I am not strong so I was sweating like a you know what! Matt was at work so he couldn't help us.

Katie then bought another sofa... it is being delivered PTL!! 
Today we went to a cute little store that is only open once a month and got them a great kitchen table for a great price!! That was fun! I wish I would have taken a pic of the store because I know you all would have loved seeing how cute it was! I saw many things that were similar to what my Mom had in her home- It makes me question what is a treasure and what isn't? 

It is wonderful to spend this time with the big kids before they start their jobs and jump into the real world! We are hoping Katie will hear this week from a local school district! She has gotten some pretty positive signs that they may hire her BUT the position needs to be approved!! Praying that it will be approved!!