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Saturday 12 September 2015

Monday - Cleaning Day!

Mondays are my cleaning days!! I now don't despise, avoid or make excuses for them. They are just apart of my week and feel so great when its done! If you make a day that you do all the cleaning, you know that it is done once a week...not once a month when you get around to it, it keeps your house free of bugs that can get you and your family sick, including mould and dust!

My Monday Cleaning Rules:
(These rules work for me but obviously we all have different situations so you may need to adjust a few for you and your family)

1. Turn up the music!! Turn off the TV, get your groovy music on, crank it up and use the mop, broom, toothbrush as your microphone! Make it fun!

2.Don't get out of your pyjamas! This is one rule that works well for me! If I get up and shower, get dressed, ready for my day, I struggle to get down and dirty with cleaning and dusting! But if I get up in the morning with the cleaning scheduled in, I eat breakfast and get into it! - Now if you have to drop kids off at school, then have a cleaning outfit (your trackies maybe) so your not getting into your good clothes and struggling not to do the odd jobs in town, or drop in on that friend for a cuppa!

3. Start in one room and finish it before starting the next one! I always start in my bedroom, then move to my ensuite, then do my living area (which includes the kitchen) and work my way up the hall from room to room. I leave the laundry and the games room till last! The only thing I leave until very last and do all rooms at once is the mopping!

4. Get the kids to clean with you! Yep, they will love it! I bought Luke a 'cleaning trolley' from the Target sale and also bought a spray bottle, filled it with water and he has his own sponge too! Your kids won't clean to your standard, however, your coffee table will be perfect! Ours sits at the right hight for Luke and he practically drowns the coffee table with water!! haha! But Great! He is entertained and its good training for the future! He sweeps and uses the dust pan and broom and even gets on his hands and knees to scrub the floor!! No, im not into slave labour!! But your kids love doing things WITH YOU, SO LET THEM! :) Luke only lasts about an hour, so I then put a DVD on in his Playroom so he can entertain himself while I finish!

5. Do the clothes washing at the same time! MULTI TASKING! It takes 2 mins to put a load on, and 5mins to hang it out so do it while you clean your house so not only is your house clean but your washing done too....That afternoon go the extra mile, take it off the line, fold it and put it away!! Come on you can do it!! (That one is for you Josie Henderson! xo)

6. Dont forget to work up a sweat! Drink water and stop to have something to eat if you need to!

You will be surprised at how quick you get it all done once you start! I'm always finished before lunch!

I must admit...
One week I do the Debbie Shaddick (MUM) clean. If you know my mum, you know what I'm talking about! The other week I do the Jess Davey clean! Never quiet as good as mum's... But still good :)

What are some of your cleaning tips or rules!? I would love to hear them, maybe I could add them to mine!!