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Sunday 27 September 2015

Anna's surgery... a hitch

Anna went in for her surgery today.

She was unusually excited.

After seeing the other children have surgeries and procedures- it was finally her turn.
I think she wanted to private time with us and she had heard of the fun things the other kids were able to do and the movies they watched and the play doh, the puzzles, the balloons and stuffed animals and more...

I don't think she completely understood all that is involved with a hospital stay...

such as 

She had a palate lengthening and tightening.
A columnar lengthening (nose bumped up).

They did not do a P-flap, I was wrong.
Hopefully this surgery will help her with her speech
(or beach as Luke calls it- which is so cute, I have no desire to correct him)

The surgery went well and they called me into recovery. 
Anna was getting more and more agitated and crying.
As this was happening she was beginning to bleed more and more and more.

They called the Dr back to check on her.

I was getting concerned.

It was like a little faucet of dark red blood coming out her nose.

Our sitter had gotten sick so Hubby had returned home to be with the other children.
I called him back to the hospital and big brother Mark stepped in to take care of the children.

I didn't even realize it but I guess I said to the nurses...
"Okay ladies, we need to do something here... let's call the DR."
I know I thought it but I didn't realize that I had said it!

The Dr came back again.
Blood was in her mouth now.
He checked her repair inside her mouth. We (I mean they, oops I am in nurse mode again) decided to wait a little longer... before taking her back to the OR.

I texted to Linny and Sally to pray for Anna.

-half hour later-

The Doctor came back again.

The bleeding began to slow down.

Hubby arrived.

The bleeding had now slowed down significantly.
They checked her hemoglobin- it was okay.

The OR was cancelled.

Praise God!! He heard our prayers! So so thankful!

Everyone was wonderful!
She is spending the night in the PICU with her Daddy!
When I left she was comfortably resting with the TV on because ya know that's half the fun! 
TV on at all times of day and night!

Hopefully she can have something to drink tomorrow.
Popsicles, jello, juice!

She will hopefully come home on Saturday!

Praising God and so thankful for praying friends!