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Saturday 19 September 2015

The Reluctant Child

Oh My, I misplaced my camera on Saturday and feel so lost without it! It is not lost forever, just at a friends house and should be arriving home soon- thank goodness! I love my little camera , it goes where ever I go and documents our life! We went to the apple orchard today and by golly I had to just enjoy myself instead of snapping pics the whole time! ;-)

I do have something on my mind and I just wanted to ask all of you out there in bloggyland. We feel so good about our adoption. We feel like this is a perfect fit for us! We couldn't be happier and by the looks of it everyone in the family IS happy. However, everyone in the family is not as excited as we are about adopting again.

For us it is "of course we're adopting again, how wonderful, can't wait to get this precious child home." Everything about it feels right and it is a good fit!

I understand that other family members have feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Because we feel so good about it we are not tuned into those feelings, thoughts and concerns. Hubby can understand it better than I can but I try. We do have really good conversation with the older kids about adoption and us adopting again. Usually they are okay with it after the conversation.

We are passionate for the orphans. It is a life long dream of mine. Hubby did not have this as one of his dreams- the senior golf tour was one of his dreams but he is enjoying every minute of these blessing that we have at home and looking forward to those that will be coming home!

All of the children seem to come around - they rise to the occasion as we bring a new family member home. We have seen personality characteristic growing within each one that has exceeded our dreams.
A tenderness and kindness for a child that is different than themselves.
Love that is readily given... just because...
Patience for someone that is slow to catch on...
Acceptance to a child because they are part of "our family", they are one of us but just weeks ago they weren't...
A feeling of wanting to protect them because they are your sisters...
Smiles when 4 little girls from China cheer him on at a sporting event and are just so excited to see him!
Teaching, a new sibling something new- it is as exciting and fun for the older sib as it is for the younger sib!
A tolerance, for these little girls when they are crawling all over you..
An ability, to say okay- love you girls but it's time for me to leave...
Eating and enjoying your dinner with a sister on your lap... and she's there because she loves you so much!

I just do not see a down side... as far as my data goes it is all positive!

Yes, there are uncomfortable moments- but they are passing moments, they don't last long.
Yes, there are growing pains but that is expected in all relationships.
Yes, it does cut in to individual attention time- but we work hard at still giving everyone our time.
Yes, they need to share more- (but that's okay with me).

The benefit to us is immeasurable! The benefit to the child that now has a family is lifelong!

Do you have a reluctant child? Tell me about it and tell me how do you handle it?