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Friday 18 September 2015

China Travel Over Or Near The Christmas Holidays?

By the looks of how things are going we will be in China for a big portion of December. I am little confused on how I feel about it- part of me wants to get Mia and Luke as soon as possible no matter when it is and the other half says what about all the children at home? Do we leave them over the holidays? What about the babysitter- how does she feel about this?

I had hoped we could be on our way to China in the end of November but that is looking unlikely. Everything would have to go perfectly and in the world of adoption that just doesn't happen! Flexibility is part of the journey- perfection is not!

Sometimes things happen and they are a blessing, although that may not be visible at first glance. Hubby is so busy at work BUT the one time that things slow down for everyone is over the Christmas and New Years Holidays. IF we were in China, he wouldn't miss that much of actual work.

Christmas is once again is getting out of hand. Hubby restricted me to 4 gifts per child. I made the most of it and but 4 gifts in every one package I wrapped- you do the math 4x4x now 13 (yikes)! The kids came out very well and now dear hubby knows what I'm up to!! He also knows the tendency is to keep doing more- he's just trying to protect me from, well...ME!  ;-)

It is Sam and Ava's first Christmas I would like to be home and with ALL the children if possible?? Not sure that it is possible?

I am thinking the highlight of this Christmas will be our two new treasures! Special gifts from God- Mia and Luke! Everyone will be so excited to meet them!!

I could have a few things ready- maybe 2 gifts per child and a dinner! We will go super light on the decorations! It will be a low key Christmas Holiday. Family time and praising God for his gift of Jesus our Savior. Actually this is starting to sounding really good to me!

Of course then we throw in jet lag and the expectation go even lower... rock bottom low that is!

Now I'm seeing a Christmas movie and half of us asleep on the couch! Hey that works!!

Have you ever traveled to China in December or do you know someone that has?? Have they gone over the actual holiday? How did it go?

You have all completely surprised me! I thought for sure you would say go! I am all ears and listening to you and we're already changing our minds!!!
Soooo, what IF we can leave at the end of November(29th)?? Go or not? We won't get back until the 17th of December and we will be exhausted?? We could leave the evening of Monday, December 26th!
I love your comments! They are so helpful!

One other factor... Luke really really needs to get to a dentist. He has many cavities. No dentist in China can work on him because of his heart- I am concerned about him...