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Wednesday 30 September 2015


They always say that teachers get sick in their holidays... and its very true, if Boyd is sick, its always in those two weeks were meant to be having loads of fun!...But funny enough, Boyd isn't sick, Luke is! We had all these grand plans these holidays and haven't done one...
Our little Luke is peaking temps at 40 degrees and has hardly eaten a thing these last two days :( 
Took him to the doctor on Tuesday, thinking I was just over-reacting about a bad night, to find out he has tonsillitis, so off the the pharmacy for Ibuprofen, Panadol and Antibiotics :( Loaded up and ready to go, thinking it will be knocked on the head within the next 24 hours... nope, fever still soring and still no eating... And mummy and daddy are tired.

The concoction of medicines sitting on our bench...

So off to the doctors today...again...
Doc said, Luke has a viral infection on top of the tonsillitis and he can pretty much guarantee that tomorrow Luke will be a different kid, as fevers can take up to 3 days to break. Tonight is the 3 day mark so I'm praying we get some sleep and health over our house tonight. Please God!

Our Luke, crashed out on the lounge!

Beside sickness... We have had our fair share of PLAYSCHOOL! Yep, its been playing over and over and over again, so much so, Boyd and I are singing the songs to each other when its turned off!! Haha... 
Boyd went into town today to get a few things and came home with a new Playschool! YAY!, even I was excited about that! Wow, you know your a parent when your enjoying the new kids dvd's as much as they are! So this afternoon, we have been chilling on the lounge watching our 'In the garden' Playschool.

Obviously with all this happing at the moment, I haven't had much time to I will try my hardest to catch up!...I have lots to tell, show and write, but one very clingy boy who needs his mummy at the moment.
Hopefully blog again tonight, when Luke sleeps...I speak that out in faith! Amen! :)-