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Saturday 12 September 2015

Waiting Treasures!

First- I have to say THANK YOU for all of your responses to our name game!
So many great names to choose from I can hardly wait to tally them up and give you all "the short list" of the names we are considering!

As we prayed over adopting again we found that there were so many other waiting treasures…

Beautiful children without families…
It's heartbreaking…
It should not be like this…

We are are all called to serve God in some capacity. 
If you find that your passion is in line with "HIS will"- go for it!
God will open the doors and lead the way!

Adoption is not for everyone but it sure is a fun way to serve our Lord!

Here are some of the kiddos that tugged at our heartstrings-

click on the name and the link will take you to their site!

This is Monica.
She is 2 yrs old and has CHD
(congestive heart disease)
I love her hairdo!
She needs a Mommy and Daddy to read her stories and tuck her in bed at night.
She also needs to go to a doctor when she comes home so they can figure out how to help her sweet little heart.
Just found out Monica has a family!
Praise GOD!!

Meet Shiloh!
She is 28 months of cuteness!
Shiloh has CHD and she is in need of a Mommy and a Daddy!

This is Rose. I love the pucker on her lips! 
She has rickets and also has a potential for brittle bone disease.
There are many different forms of brittle bone - I met a friend this summer who's daughter has this. She is a smart little girl and is very active running around. Her family adores her!
Rose is absolutely precious!

Sweet Nathan is 4 yrs old!
Four years old is a great age for adoption especially if you are seasoned parents(like us)!
He is post op Hepatoblastoma.

Little Zann is a happy baby!
He was born with congenital hydrocephalus.
I do not know if he has a shunt or not? 
His diagnosis can be confirmed by sending a copy of his file to an adoption clinic.

Daniel is 6 yrs old and he has no special need…
I cannot believe he has not been scooped up already.
Please consider adding this delightful little boy to your family!

Douglass is 12 yrs old.
 When he is 14 he will no longer be able to be adopted.
He is listed as having a blood disorder.
Not sure which one but many of them are very minor and all of them are manageable!

I love Zeb!
He is a smart 6 yr old boy with a minor special need.
It is listed as Crytochordism.
He has a wonderful video where he speak clearly in and writes some Chinese characters on the palm of his Nanny's hand.

hans update 2 (431x640)

This little guy is named Hans!

Hans is only 3 years old and is listed as having down syndrome.

A person that met him had this to say-
He is the sweetest little boy! He is extremely smart! He has a very extensive vocabulary, and he is potty trained. At three years old, he does not seem to have many delays at all. He is currently in a foster home, and it seems that his foster mom treats him as a child with no special needs. He is extremely high functioning for a child with down syndrome. He likes to talk, but he is shy around those he does not know. I know this is jumbled, but this little guy stole my heart!

Just go to Lifeline Children's Services for more information on the precious kiddos 
AND to see their videos!!