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Tuesday 15 September 2015

My Bitter Sweet Memories of a Bitter Sweet Week.

On Wednesdays Boyd leaves for work at about 7:45 and doesn't get home until Luke is fast asleep. Last night Luke woke up when he heard his dad's voice, and Boyd being the softy that he is brought him out to the lounge for cuddles. Boyd was stroking Luke's hair back on the left  of his head, to reveal that Luke still has no hair above his ear and around to his fringe line. Yes there is very few and fine strands of hair but nothing like the mass of hair on the other side.... Right there.... a memory.

This week for me has been a week of memories and emotion.
Tomorrow is my birthday, and also the 1 year anniversary of Luke's 'accident'.

Our tradition on your birthday is that you all jump into bed together, open prezzies and eat breakfast! Always good fun and not any different on this day.

A friend of mine, who I went to high school with and then completed my first year of bible college with had rang me that morning to catch up for a cuppa. She had just had her second baby girl who I hadn't met and I was excited to catch up on life since we hadn't done for about 12 months. She is a friend who I could say comes close to the proverbs 31 woman! She has a gentle nature and caring spirit. She is an amazing mother and would care for anyone else's child like it was her own. She is laid back, warm, welcoming, loves to sow and has been so creative in making her girls the most beautiful dresses. This girl I call it an honour and privilege to call my friend. You couldn't ask for more of a God fearing, Godly obedient and secure girl. She really is amazing...and to top it off even sang at my wedding! I was excited to see her on my special day, even though she had no idea it was my birthday but want a great birthday prezzie!

No I wont be mentioning her name.

We had a great time catching up, the kids were playing great and I loved having cuddle with her baby girl. I had arranged with a heap of my mummy friends to catch up down the park for lunch! I obviously didn't give it a second thought to ask my friend along!

So off we friend walked out the door, hands full, quickly putting the kids in the car, while I frantically ran around inside grabbing my picnic blanket and drinks and putting them in a bag... all of a sudden I realized my little man 'Luke' wasn't following me around as the usual 14month old does...
I wasn't too worried... walking into the lounge, he wasn't there, walking into his bedroom, he wasn't there, walking into my bedroom he wasn't there... then I saw the front door open..."No he wouldn't have gone out there, he never has without me...I better check anyway"... going out with a funny look on my face...My friend stopped reversing her Nisson Patrol and idled, seeing the funny look on my face....

In that moment, my life changed. I walked towards her car to see her back tire on top of Luke's Left arm, shoulder and head... I screamed...
I ran to him, trying to pull him out, but I couldn't get him out...Pulling myself together, I knew if my friend drove forward Luke would die, but if she kept reversing over him, there was more chance of his surviving (I honestly don't know why I thought this, but it was what the police and doctors later confirmed)... I screamed hitting the car yelling 'REVERSE REVERSE REVERSE'...and she did, releasing him, I pulled him out and laid him on the grass...
"CALL AN AMBULANCE, CALL AN AMBULANCE" I was yelling yelling yelling!! I could she my friend had frozen and broken down in the drivers seat of her car... I ran inside and grabbed my mobile phone, running out I said to God "No God, he is not dying today"...
All in that matter of 15 seconds, the neighbour across the road ran over, hearing my plea for help and 2 electricians who were building the house next door ran over... It was as though God had sent me two angles!
The electrician knew first aid and started assessing Luke, putting him in the right positions as the other guy ran through my house grabbing water and towels and tissues and other stuff...all happening so fast...
My friend and I knelt beside Luke, crying and praying that God would keep him. The neighbour across the road ringing 000 on my phone...
He looked so different. His head was out of shape and his eyes had sunk back into his head so you could see the caverty where they should have been sitting, his left arm had the tyre prints on it and the left side of his face was taken off, blood pouring out. It wasnt a cut, it was just gone...
The neighbour had rang the ambo and I could hear the sirens coming...2 police cars had arrived first. 4 police men jumped out, one assisting my friend, one getting her kids out of her car and assisting them, one telling people to stay back and the other with me, Luke and the electrician.
They were amazing. One of the first things he said to me was 'Jess, this isn't your fault' and it was just what I needed to hear...  inside I was saying to God 'Can i change place with him God...take me, not Luke'
The ambo's arrived and they were AMAZING! After cutting all his clothes off and putting him on a back board thing (not knowing if he had spinal injuries) we got into the ambulance.

The paramedics said to me that the doctors will have to take over because there is more chance of internal injuries, but Luke was doing so well because he wasn't bleeding out of his eyes and ears, which meant there was less likely to be brain injury. And hadn't vomited blood, and no blood out of his bottom... reassurance was just want I needed to hear!!

However we arrived at the hospital, Boyd and Mum waiting as we got out of the ambulance. That is when I felt so guilty! Guilt overwhelmed me...I couldn't stop saying sorry...I was so overwhelmed I wanted to vomit. I felt nauseas but I had to keep it together for Luke.

Luke's first vomit came...yep blood... I knew what that meant! No!!! God!! Please save my little boy!!
We were in the 1st Bay trauma unit. Had the best, amazing and quickest care....everyone was ready! Off we went straight away for x-rays and scans...

That day seemed to go forever and so fast at the same time. Some people would say "How could God let this happen?".... I say..."I couldn't have done this day without God" He was with us all the way through it!
We had soooo many nurses and doctors come in to see us that day, just because they heard he was the miracle child. Some nurses told me that an angel must have lifted the car over Luke that day, and I totally believe it!  When baby's are born their skull is 3 pieces and over the next 2 years it grows together and becomes really strong and one piece. The doctors put it down to Luke being young enough that his skull moved and overlapped each other to take the impact and protect the brain.
The blood vomit was from a torn oesophagus which would heal itself. As for broken bones... there was NONE!! Yes, can you believe it!! YES God is amazing!

The next thing was his face... first grafting was talked about (gulp), however after speaking with the burns unit at PMH they decided to use some ointment that they use on eyeballs to help them heal without scarring; because Luke's skin was still so delicate and they wanted the hair to be able to grow through.

He had a massive concussion so he was vomiting for the next 24 hours due to trauma on the brain. However his brain was perfect. The only thing was he had lost some hearing to the left ear.
They also said he would need some intense physiotherapy over the next few months... to start moving and using his left arm and shoulder.

When we left hospital, days later, it was like taking a newborn home. For the next 3 weeks, Luke didn't move. He didnt crawl or walk. Having to go back to feeding him rather than feeding himself...and going back to the hospital every few days for more x-rays and scans and doctors appointments.... It was a crazy month...

Today Luke is a healthy and active 2 year old, at our 6 month check-up after the accident he got the all clear bill of health, with full hearing and completely healed! :)

Yes, I still have flashbacks of that day, dream of walking out and seeing him under the car... but everyday it gets better, and everyday I see my miracle, my God at work and worthy of all the praise.
So tomorrow, on my birthday, it will be an anniversary of a horrible day, I wish no parent has to ever go through, but its also a celebration of life and health and a God who heals and saves! I don't know how I will feel or be but ill just take it minute by minute with Luke and Boyd by my side.

Your probably thinking about my friend...this day was just as traumatic for her as it was for me. Forensics had to come and take photos of the car and property as they didn't know if Luke would live or die. In those photos, there is one of photo, showing the skin and hair that Luke was missing still stuck onto the wheel of the car. CRAZY! She couldn't drive for over 3 weeks and had to deal with the guilt feeling everyday. This was an accident and in no way have I ever blamed her. She learnt just as much as I did that day! Its something that she will have to deal with everyday when the memories and thoughts that pop into her head. But with an incredible God that we both serve and believe in, I know we can get through this. There is now and will always be a special bond between us, one I will treasure forever. She came up to the hospital that night...just because I believed she needed to see that he was alive. Yes, he didn't look great, but he wasn't dead and we were going to get through this! That night was a significant night for both of us! I doubt she slept much that night, I didn't at all...But every morning the sun comes out and we celebrate a new day! A new day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!

These photo's aren't the greatest quality. They were taken on my phone (not a good one)...

I couldn't have done it with out my mum! Love you mum! xo

Finally home! YAY... Watching TV with dad...

And the healing begins!