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Sunday 13 September 2015

Homeschooling plus activities equals no time for anything else...

At this moment I am hiding while eating chocolate covered raison...

They(those that I am hiding from) have already found me and asked what I am doing- while looking longingly at the chocolate raisons.
I was short and sweet-

Okay, not my best parenting moment.

Homeschooling this crew has been a struggle.
We just haven't found a good routine.
Sure, we have had some good days but the curriculum we have 
IS TOO LONG and it's killin the FUN...

The content is great BUT some of it's got to go!

I need to make some changes... very soon.
I'll be taking out the scalpel and performing surgery on our curriculum - in other words cutting out some of it.

I have been so glad to have nursing experience with our expanding family.
Now I am wishing I had a degree in teaching too!
And a minor in organization and cooking and and and...

We did get our LID!!
It's 9/11
I know you can hardly stand the excitement!

Day 2
of the wait...

We were told the average wait is 3 months...
Only 88 more days!
(insert forced smile!)
 It looks like we may not travel until March?
I'm not complaining (well, kinda not!)
I'll take what ever I can get- I just wanna get them home!
Believe me on day 95 I'll be wondering what on earth I was whining about!

So far Melissa is staying Melissa. The other name I love is Jennifer- Jen, Jenny, Jenna- I know it's dated BUT I still love it.
Abby is Abigail Elizabeth so we have decided not to use that again, at this point!
And we have an Ellie- Ella, so that would not work as a nickname.
I do think that Melissa Mulvahill is a cute name!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for your suggestions!!
I'll keep you updated if their is a change!

Melissa's package was sent today!! YAY!! The SWI said they would get the package to her even though they will not give us any pictures. I am glad at least she will find out she has a family and she will see pictures of us!

We will try going through our agency for updated pics!
I can't give up so easily!

Once again I have made the huge mistake of signing the children up for too many activities.
  All of the activities are wonderful BUT it is just too much, too many and to busy.
I need to re evaluate.

We need to get the PEACE back into our life!

So along with the changing the school schedule I will need to change the activity schedule...
I want the children to have time to PLAY and just be kids!
(And time for me to get something done in the house!)
Wish me luck in the OR (operating room)!
Better yet, please say Prayers!!