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Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Magic Kingdom!

Our children had a hard time understanding what exactly
"Disney World" was?

So the Magic Kingdom was top on our list of things to do!

It was overcast to day which made it a little dull for pics but comfortable weather wise!

The children were part of the Beauty and the Beast show!
They did a lovely job acting!

Sam was a huge hit as the beast!
and of course I video taped it...
But I forgot to push record...

He couldn't have been cuter!
He was thrilled to dance with Belle!

Hubby and this other gentleman were also part of the production!
They were the knights in shining armor!

After Belle was Ariel!
She was delightful!

The children chatted away with her!

And our make a wish girl got a solo pic with her!

It has been a long time since we have been here so part of our first day was spent trying to figure things out!

WE tried to do as much as possible!
A blend of older rides and younger shows and rides!

This clown was doing a show on the sidewalk and we all stopped to watch!

The next thing we knew... Sarah was part of the show!

He was very good and it was very funny!

She went along with it and did what he told her to do- even though balancing spinning plates is not one of her talents!

Minutes later... Hubby was part of the show!

He is such a good sport and was quite funny up there!

Although he had a bit of trouble understanding what exactly he was supposed to do!

Which made it even funnier!

Balancing spinning plates is not his thing either!

BUT... somehow he did it!

Many of the children rode on space mountain.
We told them it was dark, fast and scary.
They insisted on going, they were tall enough and they were old enough.
Some came out laughing and
some came out crying.
(Luke, Emma, Mommy and Daddy did not ride on it)

Our shirts were a hit!
Many people commented on them!
If you are interested in a shirt like this click on the link!

Since we are doing a fruit of the day theme- 
today we were watermelons!
Hubby, Sam and Luke were the seeds!
(Yesterday we were grapes!)

Day one at the Magic Kingdom was wonderful!