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Sunday 13 September 2015

We Have A Date!

Matt and Caitlin have set the date for their wedding 
they have a venue!
Next June we will all be getting together and celebrating them!

Like Katie's Photo page here: Kathryn Lee Photography !!

Above is another shameless plug from our oldest daughter-
the photographer!

We are so happy for them!
They are a wonderful couple!
And we cannot wait for them to be 
a married couple!

When we went to Denver in August this is what Katie was doing-
taking engagement photos!

It was pouring rain and complete overcast.
It looked like she was not going to be able to photograph them before it got dark.
We had come along way,
especially Katie to do this, so we prayed!

And wouldn't ya know it-
the rain stopped
the cloud parted
at just the right time!

It turned out to be perfect weather and lighting for photography!

God is so amazing!

The next day they went out again for more photos.

But the sun was so bright it was hard not to get shadows.
(at least that's what Katie told me!)

I love the pics from both days!

We are blessed!
And so excited to have a daughter in love!
Congratulation Matt and Caitlin!

Thank you Katie!