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Monday 14 September 2015

Project of the Week #2!

Remember that pasta sauce jar I asked you to keep!!?? Well today we are going to make a upper class packet cake mix for our beloved Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Give your jar a really good scrub and soak in a warm soapy sink! Then peel the label off. You will end up with something like this...

Then you add all the dry ingredients...
1/2 cup Caster Sugar
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1 1/4 cup of Plain Flour
1/4 cup of Self Raising Flour
1/2 tsp Bicarb Soda
Then screw the lid on tight!...

Put your chocolate chips into a clear cellophane bag, you can get these for party places, spotlight or just use a zip lock bag from your local supermarket.

Now its time to get out the scrapbooking paper or wrapping paper you have lying around the house, some scrap pieces of material, ribbon, scissors, black marker and double sides tape.
Lets get creative!!!


I cut a circle out of the material, so the fabric would cover the lid and held it on with a lackey band.
I taped on a mounted label for one side of the jar and wrote the instructions out to stick on the back...adding some ribbon to finish it off...

The final product...

I'm giving this away as a House Warming Prezzie.
You could make them for Christmas Presents, or a Kitchen Tea Party or even make them up as Bonbonaries or Thank You Gifts!
You can change the recipe to anything you want!! Make sure it will fit into the jar though!!

Its always nice to have another quick cheap idea to add to our collections of craft projects!
So start collecting those glass jars!! :)
Let me know how you go! xo