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Sunday 6 September 2015

Gifts For Luke And An Update On Mia!

Now it's time to send Luke his gift! This little boy has an issue with his pants always falling down!! 
He has the tiniest bottom and a bit of a gut! Once the pants get on the down slope they're going, going, gone! So he is getting a pair of overalls and 2 pair of suspenders! Along with a pair of lite up shoes, sunglasses, a hat and a few other things!

 I am especially excited for him to get the photo album!
He has some pics of his family but these will be new ones for him!

Tomorrow is day 40 of our LOA wait. 
If we get our LOA this week we can go to China in early December BUT later than this week would most likely mean traveling after the holidays.
I feel so bad, he has waited so long...
He needs to come home asap- he has some serious dental issues.
Praying it comes soon!

We have been so blessed to get pics of Luke through his foster home's blog!
They had a volunteer that did many blog posts and posted tons of pics of the children!
I am forever spoiled... I mean thankful!

Here he is looking at the first photo album we sent him!

We had a wonderful surprise this morning! 
Updated pics of Mia and her measurements!

What a treasure she is! I can't wait to get these two home!

We got 6 pics! YEP 6, can you believe it! I am holding back the others and going to put them up with other posts! Check out the individual ones on my sidebar for a peak at one of Mia's other pics!

She is just about the same size as Anna! And just a pound or two heavier!

After seeing how well Ava, Anna and Sam have done together (after a couple months), I am not at all concerned with adding Mia into the mix!
And BTW isn't Mia a perfect name for her!

Be still my heart!
God's blessings are so great!

I got the family rules plaque from a blog during an adoption fundraiser. I do not know how to get others BUT hopefully- Kathy will comment and let us all know!!