We have so much to be thankful for- I just cannot believe God's blessing!
Here are 4 of them enjoying a tactile experience with shaving cream!
We are so thankful for the progress all the girls are making!!
Anna is in preschool this each 2 afternoons a week. There are 7 children in her class- it's perfect!! She comes home with new songs and finger plays for us to teach Emma and Ellie!
They are all such a joy to us!!
It is surprising how well they all get along! Yes, we do occasionally have an issue or two but it is always minor and they quickly become friends again!
Ellie is trying to talk English more and more! She is doing a lot of 3rd person talking and it is adorable! We giggle when she is not looking!! She is quite a character!!
Emma is learning and it is a joy to see!! She picks things up at her own pace BUT she is picking it up!!
She seems so happy and it warms my heart to see that! She desires to please and is really trying in every area of her life! Thank you Jesus!
I am also thankful that our older kids can see how special she is and are accepting her uniqueness!
We are settling into a nice schedule and group of activities that the girls are enjoying and that seems to be doable with our large crew! I am so thankful for that!
Each day is so much fun whether it is with our 4 girls, or Johnny at soccer or visiting with the older children! Thank you Jesus for this life we are blessed with!