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Thursday 29 October 2015

Our Calling... Part 2

Adopting Anna was the most incredible experience. I savored every minute in China- it was such precious time with our new little treasure. We could see God everywhere and I considered it nothing short of a God miracle- after all, I was not the youngest person on the block and yet I was holding a beautiful child that was ours!

Once we arrived home all the older children instantly fell in love with her! 

Anna and I would visit my mother and when we didn't show up we would get calls from her "Where's my little girl- I miss her!" Oh, I mean you too, Jeanie but where is Anna, it's been too long, come and visit me!" (we had only missed a couple days)

We started the adoption process again, 6 months later. We knew we wanted to adopt two children but now something was different. I felt called to adopt an older child. Something we had said we would never do...
The stories were terrible and I didn't want to "ruin" our family. Hubby and I talked about it and he was feeling the same way BUT we needed more time and more prayer.

The new listing of kids finally arrived at our agency and there was no one we felt was ours... well, maybe a few possibilities??

One little girl was 7 1/2 yrs old, she was adorable but she was "old" and we had many fears, we weren't ready to go down that road, yet...

When I showed Hubby the pic of that little girl, he answered right away- "Yes, lets go for it"! I was shocked and immediately asked for her referral. Our agency wasn't so sure about it. That wasn't the original plan we had told them we wanted to do, she changed the birth order (kind of) and they knew we had not read or researched older child adoption. Somehow God worked through me- I am not quick to respond- but this time, I was.... and they were not my words, they were HIS. Two hours later we had her referral!

It was December and I was driving home from our FCC playgroup- everything inside of me said "No, don't do it- it's not sensible, it is not for us, don't take chances... but I could feel God saying "trust ME", don't worry, don't listen to others, only listen to ME!

I went home and wrote an email declining the referral, I pushed send... and my brand new apple laptop wouldn't send it... I pushed send again... nothing... I closed my laptop and I new what was happening...

Oh MY WORD Lord... really??? I talked to hubby that evening and we rewrote the email- this time we accepted the referral. Thank you God! I can't imagine her not being our daughter! Oh, thank you, thank you, dear Lord!

My Mom was excited about our next adoption. She loved seeing pictures of Sarah and hoped that she would someday get to meet her. That did not happen because my sweet Mom passed away on April 26th as we were in the beginning of our adoption process. I know she would have absolutely adored Sarah. I believe she is still experiencing this incredible journey with us but she just has a little different view!

Our son Mark graduated from high school in early June. The graduation speaker was Bishop H*rry Flynn. His speech was incredible. He spoke about serving the Lord. He said find your passion that is in line with the Lord's desires and go for it. We knew God was once again talking to us. It was so clear, so right, so moving.

So why two children? Who decided we should adopt 2 children? Us or HIM? Hmmmmm, that would be us that decided that...
We realized that after all, we have so enjoyed parenting and there are so many children that need a home.
God was calling us to serve Him without our self imposed restrictions. He was calling us to serve him under HIS terms, not ours!

So what is the magic number, God?? No answer... We are still asking... and still... no answer...

Oh My... It looks like we need to have a part 3! 
And it will most like have to be from Cincinnati!
Because tomorrow I pack...
 Johnny's team won their game last Thursday so they play on Monday at 8:00 am!
 And we are leaving on a jet plane to Cincy right after the game!! 

Please pray for us and for Sam's surgery!
I am amazed at God- I am feeling such peace about this excursion to Cincy and about Sam's surgery!
He is such an incredible kid! He is so excited to "get fixed". He does not know all that it entails BUT he knows that he will be like the other kids and "going" like them! 

Yes, we have a long road ahead of us BUT anything is possible with GOD!