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Monday 26 October 2015

Quack Quack

Yesterday we went to the park and fed the ducks!

Boyd started to feed the ducks but I didnt know he had a secret fear of birds!
So after about 30 seconds, we swapped places.
 He took the camera, I took the seed :)

This is one of Luke's favourite things to do.
We should try and do it more often.

Lots of birds and ducks!

We went down to the jetty to feed the ducks there our old bread.

This duck was massive! He looked Luke eye to eye!

This duck I called 'The Devil Duck'...
He was UGLY and had no fear of us, which totally freaked me out cause I couldn't shoo him away,
he just kept coming at us! That's when we decided to go up on the jetty, not below it :)

But here was a beautiful ducky family... mummy and her ducklings.

I love spending special family time together!