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Tuesday 27 October 2015

Preparing My Heart and My Head!

The holiday season is near and I need to get my heart and my head in the right place! I have spent too many holidays filled with stress instead of filled with the spirit. 

There are years that it has been joyful and filled with praise but more often, that is not the case. 

I think, I try to hard too do "everything" instead of being peaceful and prayerful. I want so much for it to be perfect for everyone and I set my standards too high. I have my list of what we "have to do" and one by one I cross them off as we do them. The kids have fun but it can be too much for the Momma! Sometimes I forget to "simply" enjoy this blessed time. 

This year I am going to start praying about it now. Start preparing my heart and my head. Lower my expectations, pray to have the holy spirit in my heart and be filled with peace. No more stressing out! No more feeling like I am falling short in one area or another. I want the focus to be where it should be- on Jesus!

Could you tell me something that you do that brings you and your family the joy of Jesus during the holidays! It would be wonderful if some of your ideas and thoughts would fit into our homeschool!!

This is a wonderful time in our lives to make a few changes! Changes that could positively impact all our kids and especially our new daughters! Maybe then they won't make the same mistakes their Momma has made.

Hubby and I say to our children take what you like from our family and use it in your family.  Discard what you don't like, don't let bad habits and bad choices go on from generation to generation. Make life better!

It's time to put CHRIST back into Christmas!

Thank You Jesus!!