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Saturday 31 October 2015

HaPpY HaLLoWeEn !

 Although this is not my favorite holiday the children sure do have fun!

They have been so excited for Halloween! 

They get to dress in a costume AND get candy!

Sam loved digging in the pumpkin and cleaning it out!

Ava was our other volunteer!

Katie made it very clear she did not want to carve a pumpkin...
And here she is, carving a pumpkin!
Thanks Kate!!

Ellie was very excited about carving this year too!
(I helped her a little)

And Sarah carved a pumpkin, too!

They did a great job!

Yes, we only did three pumpkins, 8 would be way too many!

They kept talking about how many Halloweens they have been home for!
Anna- 6
Sarah- 4
Emma and Ellie- 3
Ava- 2
Sam- home for 2 but only celebrated 1 because he was having surgery in Cincinnati last year.
Abby and Luke- 1

The children were so excited!

Including the big kids!!

And then, of course they each wanted pick with the littles!
(Katie's turn!)

(Luigi and Kelly's turn!)

(Astronaut Mark's turn!)

The children took the photography session as well as could be expected!

Then were ready to get on with the trick n treating!

So Katie and I were left to pass out candy!

Except there weren't any trick or treaters at our house... 
 : - (

(We live on a little private drive with 4 other homes. Obviously the children nowadays are much more savvy, they know how to get the max amount of candy while traveling the least amount of distance!)

our own little 8 children rang the doorbell when they were done and we gave them candy!

If your in the area PLEASE stop by!