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Saturday 17 October 2015

New Picture for the Blog!

I just changed our blog picture!
It has become impossible to get everyone together, to get a picture  and to get them smiling at the same time.
Our last family pic was during Sam's birthday- August 25th!
Matt and Caitlin were in Colorado and Abby and Luke are waiting for us in China.

Pic #1 below

Everyone did their best BUT taking family pics can be a painful process!

Pic #2 below

I am famous for saying "Just one more"!
And almost every time I say it... I'm lying!

Pic #3 below

They are so on to me and start making faces and stop smiling...
Which makes the process even longer!

Pic #4 below

I need to be thankful for the pics we got!

Pic # 5 below

Billy is a trouble maker!
The little lose interest...

Pic# 6 below

The others boys like to join in the fun...
While Mom goes crazy!

Pic #7 below

The photographer is JOhnny's friend!
He thinks we're crazy! And funny and a little odd!
But he got a steak dinner out of it so he's okay!

Pic #8 below

Things are certainly beginning to fall apart!
I'm in mid sentence telling everyone...
Just one more!

Pic #9 below

We've lost big brother Mark...

Pic #10 below

Oh shame on all of you big kids!

Let me know if you have a favorite... and don't pick #10!!

We hope to photo shop in the missing people BUT we will see if we have time to get that done!