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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Our Calling...

We have had many people ask us about this... about our calling...about our adoptions. 

Is it a calling?

Why so many?

Why so fast?

Why two at a time?

Isn't this hard to afford?

It's time to answer some questions!

To us, this is a "CALLING".

I have said this before but it happened in such a way that we knew this is what we were to do.

We went through a very tough time about 10 years ago- emotionally and financially. We lost 3 of our parents in 2 years, we over extended ourselves financially and made many bad choices. In many ways we were lost. 

Truthfully God broke us...
I had always said that I would NEVER look back and thank him for that time. Yes, it was something we had to go through but... thank him? No way!

We had many dreams and they were all taken away from us. We were left with what we thought at that time was NOTHING...

We couldn't have been more WRONG!

God took away our pride, our earthly values, our self esteem that was wrapped up with earthly desires.
Over and over again he HUMBLED us... I didn't want to be humbled... to me it was embarrassing, humiliating and degrading.

Our heads were spinning, we were lost, we thought we had nothing left...

We finally, after quite a fight... gave up...
We couldn't do it anymore. There was nothing left.

I gave up first and I  GAVE EVERYTHING I HAD, TO HIM. In other words I came to him with nothing, nothing at all. I finally realized I wasn't in control. 

Do you know what HE did?

He loved me just as I was, He picked me up and piece by piece He began to put me back together again. 

I didn't know what hubby would do BUT he did the same thing. I was very thankful for that... Slowly he fixed us. 

We liked what what God had done. It felt good! We were free from the chains of the world.
We had different mottos that we lived by-
Love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Spend each day doing something good. (Stay away from the negative)
Every day work hard for HIM.
Be nice to each other everyday because ya never know who's not going to be nice to you that day.
We aren't in control, HE is!
Be kind and helpful to others.
Be joyful!

About this time we were broke! Really broke but we were happy!
God blessed me, a previous stay at home Mom with a great job as a school nurse at a Christian school!
Hubby was starting a business adventure... that although didn't pay him anything at first, looked promising!
Our children were doing good and had actually made the adjustments and ridden out the storm quite well (praise God)!

We began to wonder? What did God have in store for us? We knew he had a plan BUT what was it? 

We loved being parents and we did think about adoption. But it was just a thought. We had heard so many "not so good" stories...

God continued to bless us... we were happier than ever. We knew he wasn't doing this so we could once again go back to the way we were. We knew we had a responsibility to serve him and to do "His Will" with  "His Blessings". 

Nothing was truly ours. We came into this world with nothing, we will leave with nothing and we deserved nothing.

So... one day we were in church and it came to me. It was crystal clear what he wanted us to do!
I whispered to hubby "I have to tell you something after church" and he looked at me and said... "I know what your going to say to me!"

And he did!

That was the beginning of "Our Calling"!

We started out planning to adopt healthy children but that was not his choice for us. He calmed our fears regarding special needs and continued to nudge us forward, down the adoption path! Of course our special needs list was small- we just didn't think we could handle anything too difficult.

We had it in our head that we would adopt 2 young little girls probably with cleft lip/cleft palate.

But of course, we all know who the author of this story is... and once again, it was not us!

Every step of the way has been orchestrated by Him. Every twist and turn is HIS. Every child that has entered our home has been Chosen By Him.

It has been quite a ride!! 

So... I haven't answered very many of the questions? It looks like there is a definite need for a part 2!
So stay tuned!

And YES, we do look back now and "Thank Him".


For He so loved us that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life!
John 3:16 (Thank you Susan for correcting me! I didn't take the time to look it up!)