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Wednesday 28 October 2015

Napa Valley!

We had a wonderful mother/daughter time in Napa Valley! It was so much fun! We were kind of in shock that the whole thing actually happened but we adjusted immediately and had an awesome time!! Notice little Katie has a Wild Olive tee on!! I was happy that she wanted one and with the sale we ended up getting two!!

This was the highlight of the trip!! I was thrilled when Sally said she could drive to meet us!! We had so much fun chatting away! It was just so orchestrated by God! To be there near Sally and to be able to get together, visit, relax and support each other - I treasure her friendship! I didn't want her to leave - we could have gone on chatting all night long!! Hey there's an idea ladies! We need to do a Mom's sleepover! Thank you Robert for making this work out! 

Katie's friend Abby is living in Napa and working at one of the wineries! They are college buddies and played soccer together at Iowa- GO Hawkeyes! I love that Katie enjoys visiting with Sally as much as I do! And I love visiting with Abby! It is so fun as the kids get older- doing things with them, sharing an interest!

Katie had her good camera and I just had my little one. Most of the pics are with her but these are a few that I took. Napa Valley is beautiful! Again, I was in awe over our Lord's creations! 

We went on a couple tours and did some wine tasting! It was the harvest season so it was the perfect time to come and we were able to see and learn so much! When I get Katie's pics will post more. We also visited Abby's Vineyard!

A cable on the bay bridge broke so they had to close that bridge down. So we needed to leave for the airport earlier than expected. They sent us through part of Sonoma Valley which was also absolutely beautiful. We enjoyed seeing more of the countryside but those Californians like to move fast on the roads so we were unable to stop and take more pics. However, we did stop  at a state park right before the Golden Gate bridge. We took a little walk and some more pictures!

It is breathtakingly beautiful! It was a wonderful get away!! We are home now and of course it feels so good to be back home. I love home! 

Jim had a few challenges while we were gone. Johnny spiked a fever and missed 2 more days of school. It seems the swine flu does not want to leave. On Tuesday Sarah had a fever and by Wednesday Anna had one, too. Everyone seems to be doing pretty good right now but I know better than to get my hopes up- I'm sure we will be seeing more symptoms...

Thank you Jesus for the special time with Katie!! 

I really have to THANK my sweet friend Karen who helped Jim out at our house! I was so happy that we were all so healthy and before I could even get out of the door Johnny had a fever and the girls were right behind him. She came over even with sick children at our house. She is such a blessing to us! Thank you Karen! God Bless YOU!