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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Happy Birthday Johnny!

This was the last family gathering at the "old place"!

It was such a joy to have so many family members there!

Our family has been amazingly supportive and helpful!

We are feeling so very blessed!
Johnny turned 20 yrs old!

I really can't believe that my baby from the first bunch is that old!
He was only 12 when we began this journey of adoption!

Thankful for the energy of the older sibs!

And the joy the older and the younger bring to our family!

Blessed by a wonderful girlfriend that we adore!

Obviously this was taken before the packing began!
It was the next day that God impressed upon our hearts that NOW is the time!

These two sweeties where a huge help in the kitchen!
Thank you Ellie and Mia!

Due to all that is going on the birthday boy -

received many homemade cards and a shopping outing with MOM!
(Plus books from his big brother Billy, who thinks he needs to read more!)

Hey, a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do!
And anyway I can spend more time with my boys is a good thing!

Awwww, they are so cute together!

We couldn't have asked for a better celebration!

Happy Birthday Johnny!

You were never meant to be the youngest!
You are a wonderful big brother!

Good job Sarah, lighting the candles!

Hoping your wish comes true!

Mark has a special bond with Mia, Melissa and Madeline since he was in China with us.
I am sure he will have that too with Ben and Joey!

Thank you God for all the great celebrations and for the wonderful memories!

We look forward to moving on and to many new memories and joyful family times!

All praise and Glory go to HIM!