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Monday 19 October 2015


Rose taught me so much in the last 12 years of my life...
One of the first things she taught was "Don't sit on the arm of that lounge! That's just not acceptable in my home!"
That's also when I learnt that this woman was not one I could manipulate or 'pull the wool over her eyes' kinda lady...and as a young 13 year old, mischief was exactly what I was up too. She knew exactly what was going on and knew exactly how we played our games...and never did she let us get away with it!

She always made me feel welcome in her home, and never was I a nuisance or in the way. I learnt the 'Edwards House Rules' quickly and if I stuck by them I was just fine! Her boundaries were fair and clear and she was, as Boyd would say, 'Head Chook' of her home. I loved being in her home and apart of her life...

There wasn't a time she didn't sit down with us, afternoon tea or supper and ask the dreaded questions, prying into our secret school life... but for some reason, we would tell her everything. There was security in sharing with her and we always received sound wisdom and advice. I was never afraid to tell her anything, she made light of what needed a good laugh and gave the harsh word if she believe we had over stepped the mark.

Constantly speaking truth and the word of God over me as a teenager. What more could I ask for. She helped guide me on the straight and narrow, never judging or condemning me for the way I acted or reacted to circumstances in my life at that time.

As time went on, she supported my marriage and admired my husband...and deep down, that mattered to me.
I love that she spoke her mind (most of the time) but if she was wrong, she had the guts to say so and apologized. She was an incredible teacher, always caring for the individual child, I would have found it a privilege for her to teach my children...

Through the last 10 months of sickness she never doubted God or his blessing on her life. She stood firm on the Word and prayed until she believed...

Im so glad this year, being in Perth, I've had the chance to wine and dine her, honour her and bless her. To have 'tea' together and chat honestly to one another woman to woman, being able to share thing with her that I needed encouragement and/or wisdom in.
She was so full of knowledge...In my eyes she was more than my best friends mother, more than a friend to me...she was a hero...a legend...admired...and loved.
She always took the time to love my son Luke, she allowed him to warm to her. She gave him her full attention... and she was the only other 'nana' in his life. Yes, Luke called her 'nana' :)

I know that today she stood at the gates of heaven, her name was written in the Lambs book of life and she entered a place that has streets laid with gold, that has no night, no pain, no mourning. She had a crown placed on her head and was told "Well Done, my good and faithful servant"!!

She will be missed, but I have a peace knowing I will see her again. I will have tea with her in heaven... like she probably is today, with the most gorgeous tea set she has ever seen...probably pure gold and embedded with pearls and diamonds... having a tea party with Jesus. Finally face to face.

'Rest in Peace' just doesn't sound right for Rose... maybe 'Jump for Joy'...there is no more pain! 'Alive in Christ'...her spirit lives on. 'Tea for two'...I'm sure she will be dining with many hero's of the faith in heaven!
I miss her already, and will very much in this life... most of all, our chats and her wisdom...

Rest in Peace, my darling friend, Rose... I love you.