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Monday 19 October 2015

I've been tagged!

I'm new at this game so I will try my best! here goes-
7 facts about me

1. I am passionate about adoption, faith and families! I love big families! As a child I would play "family" and in my favorite family had 13 children! I will keep adopting as long as they let me!

2. I love the baby name game! If anyone needs help naming a child, count me in! Yes, I already know the name of our next child (after Sarah) that we will adopt and I have already started praying for her!

3. I am afraid of the grocery store- I am sure that there is a name for it "grocery store phobia"! (it is not that I am actually afraid of it but I just don't like it so I avoid it, at all cost) I order our groceries on line and have them delivered! Hubby picks up the odds and ends!

4. I love ultra organization but I am a terrible organizer! It's a tough combo to live with!

5. I am a bad cook and I don't enjoy cooking. I love others cooking, though! We would still love to have you over for dinner but it would be something easy, hors de vourse, or we will order out!

6. I enjoy doing laundry but I have accepted the fact that it will never be done! If I find money in the pockets- it's finders keepers losers weepers!

7. I am the worst packer. It causes stress days before I even need to start packing. To me "packing light" is a oxymoron! 

8. I know, I was only supposed to do 7 but every once in a while I bend the rules- I don't like to get dressed up- I am all about casual! Denim or khaki on the bottom- prefer white on the top but every so often I mix in a color!

9. I kind of have a little problem here I keep thinking of more things to say! okay this is my last one- I love going to the dentist! I love having my teeth cleaned by the dental hygenist!! I love the feeling of clean teeth! I also love it when the kids do my hair! With Sarah joining our family I hope to get a few new evening hairdos!!

I am tagging these people!
Lori- JoyUnspeakableandfullofglory.blogspot .com
Cathy- ourleelee.blogspot .com
Lani- anewbabysister.blogspot .com
Linn- aplacecalledsimplicity.
Anna- theprincessdiaries-daughters.blogspot .com
delete spaces!
This is all I have so far!