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Monday 19 October 2015

My Memorial Box Monday...

Okay, so here is my first Memorial Box Monday post- 

I was 16 yrs old and working at a movie theater. My shift had just ended so I hopped in my Mom's green mustang with a half vinyl roof to head home. I turned the music up good and LOUD. My thoughts were with my co-workers. One was breaking up with her boyfriend and I was completely surprised about it.

I turned left out of the parking lot and stopped at the stoplight. when it turned green I forged ahead. The music was loud and I was lost in my thoughts...

I did not see the flashing lights, I was lost in my 16 yr old thoughts...

I did not hear or see a thing...

I crossed the railroad tracks just like I did every other day that I worked at the movie theater...

Then I heard a very loud and frantic horn blowing... I looked to my right and there was the train... it was moving very fast... right towards me...

The horn continued to blow behind me as I barely crossed over the tracks...

I stopped once I was over the train tracks...

Then time stood still...

I was shaking... everyone moved in slow motion... 

There was no sound...

Someone got off their bike and looked at me...

Someone else got out of their car and looked at me...

I hung my head and whispered "Thank you, God"

And I drove home...

In my memorial box I will have a train. I will thank God for saving me, because that is exactly what he did...

It is hard for me to even write this... I have only told my husband. I may have shared a watered down version with my Mom.  To this day, I am afraid of trains.