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Monday 19 October 2015

Happy Birthday Johnny!

We didn't have a party planned but Johnny decided to come home the night before his birthday!
Which made this family VERY HAPPY!

And it just so happened that his brother Billy decided to come over too!
So we had an impromptu birthday party!

Johnny had a game the next day so he was hoping for a good meal and some extra rest!
Of course, teasing a certain little brother was also part of the FUN!

They both eat it up!
Johnny was not meant to be the youngest- God knew he needed little brothers!
In fact one of the times we told him that we were planning to adopt again-
Johnny wasn't so sure about it.
But then we told him it was a little boy and he saw the pic of Sam (at 4 yrs old),
he was all for it!

Ava is giving us all a lesson- she's all about books and all about fun!

And here we have Mia reading... ah, honey?
Excuse me!
Your book is upside down  ; - )
I'm gonna need to talk to her teacher!
Oops, that would be me!

Okay, I think she may be hiding from the camera!

This boy is sooooo proud of his purple cast!
He chose purple right away because it's Johnny's school color!
Joey has struggled a bit with knowing his colors.
But he knew purple right away!
He said, "Purple, Johnny soccer!"

When it came to light blue he looked at it and said,
"I don't know that one!"

I think someone is getting a little tired!

Love you three, but you look like your up to something!?!

Awww, the birthday boy and his big bro!
Missing you Matt and Mark...
Um, Katie too!
And Andrew, Emily, Caitlin, Kelly and Laukii!
and we look forward to more "AND's"

We had Johnny b-day cake after the game!
I can't believe my baby from the first crew just turned 21!
It's all going by too fast...
A couple of the families served the team dinner and we brought the cake ; - )

So thankful to our GOD!