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Saturday 31 October 2015

Finally Finished!

Its been one of those on going projects... One you started, being totally inspired by and finishing it as a chore!
But I knew I had to finish it before baby #2 comes otherwise it will never be finished!

I LOVE it now its all done and looking gorgeous!!

Its Luke's Quilt! ...and room... well a bit of both... Just wanted to get his room finished... It still isn't totally finished but hopefully by the end of this week it will be :)... The hardest part is just to shop for the finishing touches!!

Things to find...and buy...
- Bedside table/s... (Early Settlers)
- Lamp
- Nice rich Blue mat for the floor (IKEA?)
- Picture to hang...maybe I should get out the ol Paint Brush :)
- Canes Clothes Hamper...Red Dot?

I made this quilt a 'raggy' quilt! They are great, because the more you wash them....the better they look! You shred the edges and overtime they you get this gorgeous fray of colours that outline each square piece of fabric... Its also one of the easiest quilts to make... I started out making these...and went from there... So if your thinking about starting to quilt, I recommend you start with a Raggy Edged Quilt! You will love it... its practically fail proof!

Hopefully in the next few days I can whip up some matching cushions with the left over fabric!! ...
I suppose there are more photos coming soon... once I really am finished... But hey the quilt is done... And I just love the colours in it!... What do you think?...HONESTLY!