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Friday 23 October 2015

What is an Overcomer?

Sarah sits up front with me when we go places.
I love it.
Sarah is a talker and she always keep things FUN!

Once again we had our favorite radio station on and we were singing away!
When the song was done she asked me-
"Mom, what's an overcomer?"

Oh, my goodness honey that is an easy question to answer!

My heart was so full at that moment (and it continues to be)...


YOU are an overcomer!

All of you are overcomers!

In your short life you have already been through so much.
You have already seen things that children shouldn't have to see.
You have experienced loss and change more than some will, 
in their entire life.
You gave up all that you knew, all that was comfortable, 
all that was familiar
in the hope of a family, of love and a better life.
You left the known for the unknown and you trusted without certainty.
Promises where made to you and you believed them,
 even though so many lies had already been told to you.

You stepped out in faith that these promises would be fulfilled.
Faith in what?
You didn't know, but you knew there had to be something better out there.

Oh dear child...
I am so grateful to God!
So grateful for your bravery!
For your trust
that we hadn't even earned, yet.

And still within 24 hours of meeting us
you refused the orphanage visit.
You hid behind us and cried.
You wouldn't even look at the nanny or the director.

I know you had your moments of thinking
"What on earth have I gotten myself into?"
"Did I make the right choice?"
But still you perservered through all the many new experiences.

darling daughter
are an

You made it very clear that we would have to learn Mandarin.
But when that didn't happen you learned English in record time!
(I told you she was a talker!)

You embraced your new life and you allowed us to teach you, to direct you and to lead you.

You accepted our love in bits and pieces until you completely found yourself consumed with it.

Your precious heart was open and ready to learn about Jesus.
You had heard of him in China and you wondered
"Who is this Jesus?"
Now, you tell me that you think about Jesus all of the time.
You pray to Him throughout your day.
You share your ups and downs with Him everyday.

That faith that was mentioned earlier...
It was Jesus!
He planted a seed in your heart.
Just like he placed one in mine and in so many others that know HIM and love HIM!

He has plans for you dear daughter!
And what a wonderful journey it will be!

Your little brothers and sisters are

All of these amazing children

We are so proud of you!
Of your faith, your smile, the joy that is inside you!

We are so thankful to God
for leading us to YOU
and to all of our precious children.

YOUR child is out there...
please find them!
Please share your home, your life, and your love with an orphan...
It will be the best thing you have EVER done and
you will get to see the Lord's miracles right in your own home!

Your new child will be an