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Wednesday 28 October 2015

Thankful Thursday - October 28th

Johnny's 17th B-day!

He got lots of help opening the presents!

Thank you Jesus!

There is so much to be thankful for and to pray for -

 Today was special person day at Anna's preschool. Johnny was her special person! I'm not sure which one was more excited about it - Johnny or Anna! They were so cute! Everyone else had grandparents and that is something we do not have anymore, so we substituted a very special big brother!!

Tonight the girls and I skyped with Mark who is in Turks and Cacaos. The connection wasn't too good but it was so great to hear his voice and see his face! He will be home in December!

Our son Matt found a place to live in Denver! He had a place BUT it became uninhabitable- with dog poop, urine and mice. YUCK! He wrestled with trying to stay or move out. It was hard for him to break his lease and previous commitment to the landlord but he had too. The place was filthy and completely disgusting. I am so thankful he is moving out and into a decent place! He signed the new lease today! (Did I mention his roommate who has lived their for awhile and who owns the dogs also has a gun and a bad temper - that really scares this Momma. Matt found the first place through Cr*igs List- I think he learned a lesson) 

Praying that our dossier comes back from authentication asap, so we can get it off to our agency for final approval and then to CHINA for a DTC!!

Praying for those two incredible little boys on my sidebar. Please help find a family for them. Feel free to advocate for them!

Continuing to pray for our little homeschool!

Praying for Baby Luke and Cori at MSP for the necessary medical interventions that they need. That the Lord will keep them safe and bless them with good health.

So thankful for the incredible fall weather we had. There is a chill in the air now and we saw a few flurries today.

Praying for our dear friend Sally from My Life My Desire. Her plate is more than full and her family is being challenged in every way.

So thankful for our precious treasures in China. Can't wait to bring home Ava Marie and Samuel!

So thankful for Emma and Ellie's adjustment to their new home! They are doing so well- praise God!

So thankful for our older children accepting with open arms their new siblings (they maybe dragging there feet BUT their arms are open) and that they are willing to open their hearts to more treasures coming home!

The Lord knows my heart and my prayers for our friends in need. He know the prayers that I am unable to share right now. Please Lord know that I am forever grateful to you. This is all you, Lord- all blessing flow from you. Thank You Father!