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Friday 30 October 2015

5 months... where did that go?

Oops...ok so I've been absent for 5 months... life has been really busy...but now all of a sudden is very still... like awkwardly still... as in I have no idea what I'm doing and where I'm going... Yes, I'm a wife and mum and they are awesome jobs but I don't have anything else... I'm usually the kind of person who keeps really busy, has lots of dreams, lots to accomplish but at the moment I'm living day by day with no idea what the future has got for me... kind of foreign, as most of the time its all organized and scheduled!!! haha... gotta laugh at myself!!!

Anyhow, to keep everyone up to date... We have moved cities, packed up the house, did renovations, gypsied around for 4 weeks homeless (as in not sleeping in our own home but staying at B&B's or family and friends houses) and have finally moved in! Thought I would show your what our house is looking like at the moment... still not finished...always a working progress!

Fire place is going in, but waiting on the cast iron insert and brickwork to be done... but you get the idea :)

I've put Ben's toys in the basket under the hall stand but our new round rug has become the now wrestling rug when Boyd gets home from work... yep, even Ben gets in there and rolls around... I really don't understand boys and wrestling!

Ben's Room.
Still needs more work. Need to hang more on the walls and it needs a rug on the floor... One thing at a time :)

Luke's Room.

Guest Room!
Your room when you want to come and stay!!

Luke has been helping outside with all the jobs that need to be done!

Benny too!

Hope your having a lovely day my gorgeous friend! x