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Sunday 25 October 2015

Homeschool Update!

One a month Sarah, Emma and Ellie go to a class at a nearby wilderness center. It is specifically for homeschoolers. They are with the 8 and 9 yr olds. The class is a little above their current learning level but they seem to enjoy it. I think Sarah is able to catch onto some of it. They are learning so much just being there, even if it's not exactly what the teacher is teaching!
It also exposes our girls to other homeschool children. 

We have tried to do some of the coop classes but it just doesn't work out for us. An older adoptee does not fit in at grade level. It complicates it even more when they don't speak English. 

I love homeschooling them and we have the flexibility to focus on their individual needs.  It is actually hard for me to overly plan our schedule because our day is based on needs not on a schedule. I think this is one of the many huge perks of homeschooling older adoptees!

We were learning about dirt and worms! Sarah is sharing some worm poop with her friends! Isn't that nice of her!?!

I have had my ups and downs regarding homeschooling. At times I have been confused on where to start and which direction to go in? I have prayed and prayed for our little homeschool. That it would glorify God and we would travel this journey with HIM. I cannot do it without HIM.

Recently things have started going in the right direction. I am so thankful for that! I was really having an inner battle- should we keep on OR should we try traditional school? Answered prayer came just in time!! It is a joy to see them learn! I feel very blessed to spend the day with them!

We also talked about decomposers and producers! Personally, I found it incredibly interesting!!

The day was perfect! This fall has been so enjoyable this year! The weather is beginning to change but it is still much more mild than usual.

English is still coming slowly BUT it is coming! Ellie tries to speak English all the time during the day which usually results in the same conversation over and over again! There are also many mispronunciations which provide for a few hidden chuckles!
Sarah still makes a few mistakes, too! Yesterday it was very froggy out!
Emma saves her words and then will say a 3 word sentence! It kind of surprises us when she does that- she is quiet and then all of the sudden an English phrase pops out of her mouth! We love it!

Each child is so different and moves at a different pace. Emma and Ellie are understanding everything we say. They are counting to 10 (forward and backward) and can almost count to 20! The alphabet is going great they can say all the letters except N- instead it is M M O P Q! They are catching onto some of the sound! They are beginning simple addition, patterns, identify the one that is different and learning  the names the shapes and how to draw them. This is big progress!! No more blank stares- whew!!

In this pic we are seeing two mice decompose (ewwww)!

Emma decided to take a closer look at a leaf and Ellie she came over to hug her Momma instead of looking at the mouse! I don't blame them!

Feeling thankful!!
Feeling very thankful!!