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Tuesday 20 October 2015


Today I had a pre-natal appointment at 9:15am so while I was out and about I ducked into Spotlight, needing some wadding to finish a quilt... How blessed was I to go past the fabrics and see a wall of gorgeous quilting fabrics for $2 a metre!!!! My rule at the moment is that I cant buy any more fabric until I use what we have... but $2 a metre!!! So a quick call to the hubby who gave me the ok/thumbs up and I was in la la land!! So I began bundling them into future quilts... You have to understand, these fabrics WERE $19.95 a metre...that's a saving of 90%!!!!!! WooHoo!!

This bundle I'm thinking a BIG gorgeous family picnic rug... and baby boy quilting...

This bundle is going to be a quilt, a Christmas present for a very special person... not telling who!

And this bundle is just some gorgeous fabrics I could use for baby quilting, for friends who don't know what sex the baby is... but you can add in the blue's if its a boy or pinks for a the bottom fabric.

I managed to get some cutting done this afternoon while Luke slept on the lounge right next to me... Here is what I have laid out on the floor...So far, I like it!

In all the spare time I have (NOT)... I have some beautiful quilts to make! Im excited!! Just wish I had a few days without a 2 year old running around my feet so I could get them done...Oh well, means the sewing machine will have to live on the dining room table for a little longer while I sew during Luke's afternoon sleeps and after dinner... if Boyd is busy :)

Stay updated to see the finished product!!