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Tuesday 20 October 2015

BTW- Behind The Wheel...

We have been in no rush to get our just turned 16 yr old son his license. He is just not ready, he needs more time- he needs to be a bit more responsible and he needs to be more confident behind the wheel. I have been following his lead- I found with my other children that they kind of let us know when they were ready. Even after that we would wait for awhile until we think it is time! 

Son#1 was just too excited- there was trouble written all over the excitement. So we made him wait one month- big deal right- well he informed us that we had ruined his life... He has since forgiven us. And yes, he did get in a minor but expensive accident within the first month. It seemed an itty bitty tree was in the wrong spot... the next thing ya know he didn't have a mirror on the drivers side... I guess we should have waited longer...

So here we are with child #5. He took his behind the wheel early enough but was not motivated to get to classes regularly and pay much attention to the schedule. The dear boy finally finished the classes and then waited 2 months plus to get his permit. Which he has already lost...

He took one behind the wheel and then"got busy" with high school, soccer and life. We have been doing a bit of car rotating with the older kids so the car we want him to learn on has not always been at home. Here and there a sib may have had it!

Okay, so now it is time to schedule another behind the wheel.

I called to let them know what I needed and they politely and OH so happily stated "Your expired". I am sure she said it with a smile...

"I'm what?"

"You expired as of October 5th"...

"I what? What do ya mean?"

"That was your last day. Your six months to get your behind the wheel in was over on October 5th." I know she was still smiling..

"Your kidding me? He has only had his permit for 3 months. We were busy with school, soccer and the swine flu... He wasn't ready to continue with it, he needed more time."

"You can pay another $200 dollars and then take his last two behind the wheel lessons." I know this was a phone call but she enjoyed this way too much... I know she was still smiling...

"Excuse me, I need to put YOU on hold." Click... she did put me on hold... I did hang up so I could get more info from the potential driver.

When I called back she made it very clear that I did the hanging up. ya, ya, ya lady I needed to talk to my son...

Oh boy, was I getting a bit irritated... Honestly, come on, lighten up lady... I guess I signed this agreement - of course I didn't read whatever I signed. Yes, of course this is our fault- the potential driver and me- I was busy and paid no attention. I think what got me most was the pleasure she derived from this interaction. Not one word of- yes, I know, this is such a bummer, I am sorry, but we have to stick to our rules, and so on... I would have understood that and appreciated her kindness...

I had to have a little conversation with God about this. I am sure I was not as gracious as I should have been BUT she was gloating and it really bugged me... So I need to remember that not everything will go our way. We will make mistakes and sometimes they can be financially costly. Not everyone will respond the way I think they should. I just need to discuss this one with hubby and figure out what to do next...
I do plan to use this time to stall child #5 - he just isn't ready...

Hey, maybe this is what God had planned all along! 

Should I be thanking her- JK