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Thursday 29 October 2015

Boo Blast!

The children LOVE Halloween!
Candy, costumes and more candy!
They were all so excited to share this wonderful "event" with Ben and Joey!
Ben get's it, he gets everything!
Sweet Joey is on a different track but if he is like Abby and Madeline he will "get it" by next year!
That works for us!
Some kids just need more time and that's okay!

We kept telling Leonardo/Ben he needed to smile for the picture but he refused
; - )
Poor guy tried!

We love our local "Boo Blast"- a pre Halloween gathering near our home!
It's one of the things that makes our Halloween soooo much fun!

So nice to meet up with friends!

We have had an amazing fall this year!
And today was just as perfect as the other days have been!
It looks like we are in for a change in the weather pattern and the 31st will be very chilly...
Thankful we had so much fun today!

Minor difficulty... a few forgot to look at mom while I snapped the pic!
Hellloooo children- over here!

Many of our kids are soooo good at the hula hoop-
I don't know how they do it!

Sarah ended up winning the event!
They had to have the kids start going down on their knees, putting an arm in the hoop and so on-
in order to get a winner!

They could have gone on

Free hotdogs and more for lunch!

Lots of dancing and games!

Emma was not happy when we left the house- she had a few costume malfunctions but
she rose to the occasion and enjoyed the celebration!
Good job, Emma!

They played the Scooby Do theme song and everyone attacked Sarah!
She handles it well!

And the crowd grew and grew!
And the fun continued on!



And a candy toss!

Our traditional group picture!
We've been doing this for YEARS!
I need to put up a pic from one of our first years!

We did lots of trick and treating,
and then...

Hopped in the car and went to Johnny's game!
He scored- which is always a day maker for us!
The teams tied but it's a step in the right direction!

It was a glorious day!

And then we went to church after the game- LOVE church!
After that a very nice man offered to buy us ALL dinner at McDonalds!
What an incredibly kind and thoughtful gesture!
He was from St Cloud, MN but his family is from China and his wife is from Taiwan.
Thank you Freeman and Joyce!

They have 4 grown daughters and grandchildren!

Sarah had a few questions about his daughter -
Are your daughters Christian?
Yes, they are!

 Did their daughters marry Asian Americans or Caucasian Americans.
I think this was a good question just because
she is interested and she is trying to figure out her future.

All of their daughters married Asian Americans but we told Sarah
it doesn't matter-
either way works!
Just see where God guides you and who God guides you to!

It was a wonderful day and evening!
Feeling thankful and blessed!