Before bed each night we pray with Luke. We ask him what he would like to pray for and he lists everything off... lately its been... "I wanna pray we go home to Perth"... GULP! He has been quite unsettled and always asking to play with his friend who live 400km away!! On Sunday we said "were going to church today Luke" (he loves church) but burst into tears when we arrived saying "This isn't our church mum, this is nana's church". He doesn't quiet understand that were here to stay and not going back to Perth... HUGE adjustment for a little person!...and its totally breaking my heart!
I was telling my girlfriend Carla about it, when she came up with a brilliant idea! Letter writing!! The long lost art of letter writing! So today we have written 4 letters to 4 different families we are really missing in Perth and sent them with a map of our city and pointed out all the places we love on the map!
Luke in the middle of drawing and writing! |
A map of our city (deliberately blurring - for safety reasons) |
All our letter and maps ready to go. |
This afternoon we are off to the post office to post them all!! How exciting!! I really hope this helps Luke understand what's happening!! We will soon find out!! I'm open to any other ideas that might help too!!! xx