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Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Last Update!

We just got word that we our travel approval is on it's way!
Yippee Jesus! 
We have requested our travel times and dates for our CA!
We seem to get Thursday CA appts
every time...
Hopefully this time we will get a
Tuesday or a Wednesday!

We have also received our last pics and updates on the boys!
Joseph is 3ft 4in and 31lbs at 5 yrs 3 months old!

He is almost 4 months older than Luke and a half inch shorter and 4 pounds lighter.
I think Joseph will have lots energy!
We are so excited to get to know him and love him!

And here is Benjamin!
His orphanage offered us to Skype with him!
Since we are now in the country our internet is extremely
No high speed stuff here ;-(

Has anyone else ever skyped with their child before gotcha day?
How did you communicate?
How did it go?
Are you glad you did it?
Are their questions we should ask him/ them?

We may be able to go to hubby's office and try it from there!

Ben is 7 yrs 5 months old. He is 4ft 1in and weighs 50.5 lbs!
Ben is 3 months older than Sam and 2 inches taller!

We are so excited to bring these two treasures home!
I will post travel dates and information once we have it!
Jim and Mark will travel and I will stay home with the children.
Our older son Billy and friend Karen will help us out at home!

Soon they will be with their forever family and soon we will have more sons!

Praising GOD!!