As those of you who follow me on social media already know, I have been back in the US for a while, answering interviews, giving tours of my home, speaking at events, and filming with a French TV crew. There are only so many hours in a day and I am way overdue for a new post... I started writing one... but Scott put this one together before I could finish mine... So, here are a few stats about the app, in Scott's words:
Our ZeroWasteHome community has added over 1150 locations around the world. We have added over 900 locations in the US, and Bulk locations have been added in over 15 countries, including these top ten:
1. Canada: 962. France: 41
3. Australia: 40
4. Belgium: 15
5. Switzerland: 13
6. Spain: 10
7. Germany: 9
8. UK: 8
9. The Netherlands: 3
T-10. Austria: 2
T-10. Italy: 2
T-10. Czech Republic: 2
3. Australia: 40
4. Belgium: 15
5. Switzerland: 13
6. Spain: 10
7. Germany: 9
8. UK: 8
9. The Netherlands: 3
T-10. Austria: 2
T-10. Italy: 2
T-10. Czech Republic: 2
Within the US, Bulk locations have been added in every state, with the exception of Delaware, Mississippi and Nevada. California is leading the list with over 250 locations added, but we have double digit locations in over 1/2 of the US states. The top 10 states are:
1. California: 253
2. Washington:57
3. Oregon: 47
4. New York: 45
5. Texas: 45 -my mom lives in Texas, but I don't think she entered all of these;)
6. Massachusetts: 37
7. Illinois: 30
T-8. Minnesota: 24
T-8. Pennsylvania: 24
10. Georgia: 21
This summer, we went on a family camping trip through Oregon and for the first time, had no problem locating bulk while traveling: the Bulk app helped us find bulk foods throughout the state - from the People's Food Coop in Portland, and the Deschutes Brewery in Bend, to Ray's Food Place in Bandon. Thank you for sharing these locations!
Lastly - remember, this is a community-based effort, so the Bulk app tool is not perfect. We can only support a subset of devices (Apple and some of the many Android smartphones). And, because of the constant changes to Google and Apple's operating systems, there is a delay between the time that the location is added by the user, and when it appears on the map (in our Bulk location database)...we are trying to make some improvements, but since this is self-funded, it will take some time.
Keep adding locations and contact us if you (or someone you know) can provide pro-bono work to update the app!