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Thursday 1 October 2015

Feeling Thankful and Grateful on Thursday!

I would love to go to our son Johnny's soccer game BUT it is 52 degrees with a 20 mph wind and rain pelting down. I am so thankful for the nice weather we have had in September! We have been able to enjoy so many of the games outside with the girls! 

News Flash! I just got a text from Johnny! The game has been cancelled- that works for me!! Thank you God! Actually Johnny was home sick yesterday so I truly am thankful he doesn't have to play in the bad weather!

I am so thankful for a precious daughter that has just turned 24 yrs old! She is WONDERFUL! I am so grateful to God for blessing us with this lovely daughter! She is an incredible big sister and such a joy to all of us! I just can't thank our Heavenly Father enough for bringing her into our lives!

Sarah is doing so well with HS! It s a joy to be able to teach her and watch her progress! I am so grateful for this opportunity and we truly feel it is what is best for her! She loves HS and she did not like school in China, plus she was not doing well in her school in China. Don't get me wrong I love schools! Our older bio kids went to many different schools depending on what was a good fit for them! Both the girls seem so happy! We all look forward to our mornings homeschooling! Thank you Jesus!

I am so thankful for the bloggy friends out there! I love it when you comment! It keeps me going! Don't forget to leave comments on The Princess Diaries- the blog for our daughters from China! Lately the comments have been far and few between- I'll take anything I can get-as long as it's positive!

I am thankful for all of the input from you bloggy friends regarding the tooth fairy and Santa! After reading all your comments we had made up our minds to tell the truth but still have fun with it. Then, she lost another tooth and I just couldn't do it... not yet anyway, not at that moment. I felt like she deserved to be a kid and I didn't want to ruin the fun. I think we will share it with her in time. I really didn't think about it again until she lost another tooth- now I realize we should have had a conversation about it BEFORE she lost another tooth. In other words discuss Christmas BEFORE it is time for Santa to arrive!!!

I do have to confess... oh my... that she put the tooth under the pillow and guess what... oh yeah, we forgot! So in self preservation I felt that it was only appropriate to put the blame on the tooth fairy who was probably busy in California ( right Sally- California! I think a lot of kids are losing their teeth in California). Hey, we got a geography lesson out if it and Mommy saved face!

Early this week I made a decision to try to say yes more often and fewer no's. I felt like I was being too negative and not allowing the children to be children. So now you will hear many more "yeses" and positive statements in our home! I want to notice the good behaviors- instead of making corrections to the not so good behaviors! It has been a wonderful improvement in our home! The kids have responded... positively!! ;-)

As I was following along on the blogs of those that traveled to China I learned of a new game. Yes, I am out of touch! We have never owned this game. So went ahead and ordered it on Am*zon. The name of the game is Jenga! It arrived today and we set it up in he kitchen! It was a hoot! Anna wanted so bad to play but being that we all have a competitive nature and feared the falling of the blocks, we let her play after us! Thank you Jesus for family games that are fun for all!