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Friday 2 October 2015

10 Things I've learned in 10 years of Marriage

10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 years of Marriage.

 Today I've been married for 10 years! Woohoo!! Here are a few things I've learned over the last 10 years!

  1.    Kiss everyday! Even if it’s a kiss goodbye on your way to work, and a kiss hello when you arrive home.
  2.     Communicate... about the roles and jobs in the house until you are both happy. For example: Who cooks dinners on what nights?
Who does the rubbish run?
Who mows the lawns?
Who does the washing?
Nothing is right or wrong and don’t let society or others tell you how it should be. If you are both happy then that’s what is best!
  3.     Couch time! This is something we learnt at a parenting course and we LOVE it! Couch time doesn’t have to be on the couch J Life gets really busy and sometimes we just forget to share about our days and stay in tune with each other. It’s just 10-15mins a day that is un-interrupted time for mum and dad. Our kids now know that when dad comes home from work, we all get a kiss and then mum and dad have couch time (which usually happens in the kitchen)…then after its playtime with dad. When we started this, it was hard to get the kids to understand the concept however after about 2 weeks, the kids learned how important it was to us and we know how great it is for them that their mum and dad are connected, debriefed about the day and ready for fun play!
  4.     Date night! A scheduled night a least once a month to go out together – no kids allowed. This can be hard, especially when you don’t have family in town. We have arranged with some close friends that Tuesday is date night! We have their kids one week, they have ours the next. Date night doesn’t have to be expensive, just a few hours together! Pinterest has some great ideas (You can follow me on pinterest too! Click HERE)
  5.     Fight Well! We all going to have a blue with each other, get frustrated and need to vent some frustrations. How we do this is so so important. It can make or break our relationship. Work out how to fight (communicate) well as a couple. Sometimes a text or email can help too! Keep it nice – not nasty!
  6.     Do life together! Visit each other at work, know each other’s friends, eat together, laugh together, do hobbies together and jobs together.  Make sure your lives intertwine a lot, don’t live just side-by-side.
  7.     Have great sex! – and more of it.
  8.     Respect each other! Admire each other! Tell each other and others how fantastic you think your husband/wife is! Be each other’s biggest fans! Defend, honour and praise your spouse to others!
  9.     Have a strong and independent relationship with Christ! You then learn to love each other, like Christ loved us. Perfect love.

  10.  Have eyes only for each other! Stay infatuated with each other. Dress up for each other, wear that perfume you know he likes, catch each others eye at party's, check each other out.